Welcome to the MeritEHS Help Center! We are so thankful to be partnered with you to SIMPLIFY SAFETY within your organization. Our goal is to help you utilize every feature within MeritEHS smoothly and seamlessly so that you can get the most out of this incredible platform!
Shown below are short video tutorials and explanations for various features within MeritEHS. We plan to continue adding to this page so please check back in the future if you find yourself challenged with any particular feature.
As always, feel free to submit any questions via the "Submit a Bug/Question" ticket submission within MeritEHS or reach out to your Account Executive for additional help.
Admin/ Setup Help
Creating a New User
Creating Roles and Permissions
Creating a Custom Inspection Form
Creating a Training Course Expiration alert
Setting up JSA Hazards and Controls
Creating a Disciplinary Action and Email alert
Creating Custom Information Using the Custom Field Builder
End User/ Feature Use Help
Creating an Inspection
Emailing Inspection PDF's
Assigning a Corrective Action
Creating Observations
Creating a JSA and linking Employees
Emailing a Disciplinary Action
Creating a New User
Here we look at how to create a new user in MeritEHS. It's important to understand that there is a difference between Users and Employees. Users have paid accounts, a personal log-in and can be assigned permissions, workflows and tasks. Anyone who will need access to the application and enter data, like performing inspections and assigning Corrective Actions, will need to be set-up as a "User".
An Employee does not have the ability to log into the application. You will need to upload your active employees (or we can do that for you!) before using the application.
When creating a new user, make sure to set the user as "Active" to send them an email letting them know they now have an account in MeritEHS.
Users can also be created directly from an Employee record by clicking "Create User" on the top of the Employee Record.
Creating Roles and Giving Permissions to a User
Inside MeritEHS, you can limit access to certain features by creating Roles and Permissions. Here we walk you through how to create a Role, assign certain permissions, then assign the Role to a User.
You can set-up as many Roles as you would like in MeritEHS. Roles can only be assigned to Users of the application.
Creating an Inspection
In this video you will learn how to perform an inspection using our pre-loaded basic inspection form. Create jobsites, employees and users as you work through the inspection form or load these in advance.
You may mark whole inspection sections as "Compliant", "Non- Compliant" or "N/A" at once, or you can select them individually. Elements marked "N/A" will not impact the average inspection score.
Additionally, you make click "Edit Details" to add comments to any inspection items. For Non-Compliant items, you will be directed to create a Corrective Action. (For further details on creating Corrective Actions, please see the training video "Assigning a Corrective Action.")
Finally, this video also shows how to customize your dashboard so that you can view your inspection information there.
Emailing an Inspection PDF
It should be simple and easy to notify other members of your organization of your inspection findings! This is why we created the email inspection PDF functionality. Watch the short video below to see how this can be utilized and even store quick use email distribution lists for future use.
Assigning a Corrective Action​
One of the major goals within MeritEHS is to create accountability within the organization. This can be achieved by utilizing Corrective Actions on Non-Compliant inspection items and assigning them to individuals within you organization that must take action to resolve a Non-Compliant item.
Corrective Actions generate email alerts to the assigned individual and will cause the inspection to remain in "open" status until the Corrective Action has been closed.
For users who only need access to close their assigned corrective actions, we offer a "corrective action user" at a reduced monthly price- if you're not currently utilizing this type of user, please ask your Account Executive for more details and we would be happy to help!
Additionally, check out our video about the Observation Feature to see how you can create CLOSED Corrective Actions if you are completing the Corrective Action at the exact time you've observed it.
Creating Training Course Expiration Alerts
MeritEHS allows you to create email alerts for upcoming training course expirations. These can be set for any or all training classes and can be sent to any individual, job title, user role, etc.
Creating a Custom Inspection Form
MeritEHS comes with a standard inspection form for you to use. However, we understand your business likely has unique needs and therefore you may setup as many unique inspection forms as you would like!
You can even weight each "element" or question differently so that they impact the average inspection score in different ways based on severity.
MeritEHS wants to make the creation of Non-Compliant items as quick and easy as possible to ensure all of your team members are prioritizing safety! One way you can make this happen is by utilizing the "Observation" feature. This allows for one element of your inspection form to be noted immediately when it is observed and allows you to avoid the creation of a full inspection.
Watch the video below to see how you can use this feature in combination with the creation of a CLOSED Corrective Action (meaning the corrective action is being resolved exactly at the time it was observed). Reach out to your Account Executive with any questions about Observations!
Setting up JSA Hazards and Controls
At MeritEHS we know that your business is unique and that means you need to be able to customize your organization's specific JSA Hazards and Controls so that they are as simple as possible when your team needs to create each JSA. See below for how these can be setup on the front end to allow for quick use at the time of JSA creation.
Creating JSA's and linking Employees
Learn how to quickly create a jobsite JSA and attach employees (if desired) to notate their review of the JSA and "sign off" to show their understanding of the jobsite risks. By viewing the Employee records, you can see which JSA's each employee has been connected with. Additionally, by viewing the Jobsite records, you can review your average risk assessments for each jobsite which is generated from the connected JSA's.
Creating a Disciplinary Action and Email Alerts
Watch the following video to see how you can create customized employee violations, create an employee disciplinary action using those violations and setup automatic email alerts to ensure relevant parties in your organization are notified at the creation of a Disciplinary Action.
Emailing a Disciplinary Action to the Violator
Watch the following video to see how you can go beyond logging a disciplinary action and actually email the disciplinary action to the violator, regardless if they are a paid user of MeritEHS or not.

Creating Custom Information Using the Custom Field Builder
We understand that there may be data that you want to collect but it's not currently available in MeritEHS. In this section, we show you how to create datapoints relevant to you and your business using custom fields. In this example, we want to begin to track Covid vaccine status for employees. Using custom fields, we can easily create a yes-no selection as well as create a place for documents to be attached.
You are not limited to the information that you can track, you can create forms for anything!